Unless you have been told new information as of 12-12-23 this is the deal:
The SPEEDKART is currently in production and all of our test models are sold if you would like to order one you will be getting in line to recieve it from our earliest shipment. Your partial-payment helps us to produce the bikes. There will be a possible 3-4 month wait for the early orders to fill. If this is a Christmas or birthday gift we can provide and cool postcard of the bike saying that it is on its way. There may be options for paint color as well if you contact us.
You will need to make a 50% down-payment to start the order and full payment when the bike is ready to ship.

Contact us directly at:
We can setup payment through the popular options, PayPal, Venmo, Cash-app or even check to our old-fashioned-mailbox
PO box 2384
Nipomo, Ca.
Money back guarantee
We do not use any of the pre-payments for the production of the Karts, we have zero concerns of selling these machines at this very low price so your money is always available to you if you should need to cancel just contact us directly and we will cancel your order and refund your cash. You will have special treatment if you should re-order as well for being a early customer even though you had to cancel.